Holistic Approach to the Effects of Stress on Inflammatory Response and Immune System

Why Should You Read More?
A big part of the holistic approach to the effects of stress on inflammatory response and the immune system is being open to change one’s behavior. Knowledge is based in the word “Know,” to be aware. And within the experience of greater knowing, learning and change must take place, or greater consequence becomes necessary. I have long taught my patients, “Please listen to the tapping of the toothpick instead of feeling the blow of the baseball bat.” The more you are aware of how stress affects inflammatory response and immune system, the more proactive you can be.
Holistic Approach Proven… Again
Sometimes it takes science a little time to prove what intuition and common sense have been telling holistically-minded clinicians and patients for quite some time. In the case of increased levels of stress playing a role in certain diseases (and in my humble opinion, all diseases), leading to an imbalance in the inflammatory and immune system response, the scientific jury is in and the verdict appears to be ‘guilty as charged’ on all counts. This outcome validates the knowing of many holistic, forward-thinking naturalists.
Take Action Now!
Receive Knowledge – Change – Heal
I will start by making you aware of various chronic stress-related diseases that involve the inflammatory response and immune system. Next, providing you with some key takeaways that you can start applying immediately to better initially manage your stress, rebalance the inflammatory response, and modulate and focus the immune system. I will then offer you whole food and herbal options to support your body in healing itself. Yes, you have a key role to play, and you can make all the difference in the your health outcomes. Imagine that! Exciting!
Chronic Diseases with an Underlying Stress Component
Here is a short list of diseases found to have a stress-related component. I would venture to say all diseases have stress-related components, but I will list these as a start.
Pancreatic, Breast, and Lung Cancer
You Are What You Eat, Think, Feel
Anti-Inflammatory Dietary Recommendations
Eating can become stressful in itself for those who struggle with food issues, so let’s keep it simple and structured. Common sense rules apply, so until you are feeling better you just cannot eat a lot of what makes you feel worse. Follow a Mediterranean Diet – it lowers inflammation, balances blood sugar levels, and helps bring the body back into balance. If you are looking to lose a few pounds, you won’t be unhappy there either. As you follow all these recommendations, you will lower your cortisol levels and that will lower the occurrence of insulin resistance, which causes insulin levels to rise, leading to various metabolic syndromes, including weight gain and increased belly fat.
Mind-Body Connection
Thoughts have consequences, so if you find yourself easily agitated, depressed, or tending toward anxiety or worry, start a daily meditation practice. If you find it difficult to be still, just start taking a 20 minute slow walk 1 to 2 times per day. While walking, focus on every step along with your breath. Keep the pace of both slow and steady. Be present – if you can do it without shoes, all the better, but being bundled up works as well. See the weather as something to enjoy, no matter what the day offers. Different temperatures make the body’s thermostat adjust, this is a good form of stress and helps build Heat Shock Proteins.
Negative Emotions Create Stress Chemistry – Intuition Is A Better Way
Candice Pert does an amazing job of showing the connection between emotion and physical chemistry in her book, Molecules of Emotion. I teach my patients/students that emotional reactions are very subjective in nature, many times triggered by past trauma and future events. Using them as guidance system leads to a more stressful life, full of increased levels of fear and worry. Negative emotions generate greater levels of cortisol, a stress hormone, that increase inflammatory response and suppresses immune system function. Ask yourself, is what you’re feeling worth feeling sick and stressed over? If not, let go of using emotions to navigate, and begin using your intuition, coming from a place of greater peace, balance, and knowing. A complete guide to living this way is found on my nonprofit site The Practice Heals. org. Free to receive, enjoy.
Using Standard Process and MediHerb in a Holistic Approach to Effects of Stress on Inflammatory Response and Immune System
Dealing with Stress
Knowledge is indeed a key to unlock the door to good health and healing. And practicing positive change based in that knowledge is the hand that turns that key. So now its. on you to use this key, unlock the door, and then walk through into a better healthier more peaceful life.
It’s Up To You.
Loving Life with all I Am,
Dr. Keith